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Candice Swanepoel rocks the $10 million VS Royal Fantasy Bra!

 Cok az kaldi, Aralikta "Victoria´s Secret Show´un Melekleri" yine nefes kesecek! Bu sene "Royal Fantasy Bra" icin 4200 Mücevherler islendi. Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show´da Fantasy Bra´yi tasimak büyük bir onur ve bu sene Güney Afrikali süpermodel Candice Swanepoel tarafindan sergilenecek.

Candice Swanepoel: "So excited to be wearing the fantasy bra this year in the @victoriassecret fashion show! It was moulded on my body months ago, finally I can let the secret out. Thank you #victoriassecret”


Whats your Fantasy?


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